April 12, 2011

Expression Language (EL) implicit objects

1) Create a JSP page, elImplicitObjects.jsp in the WebContent folder of the Web Application

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<title>EL Implicit Objects Demo</title>
   Cookie c = new Cookie("testCookie", "testCookieValue");

applicationScope implicit Object: ${applicationScope.test} <br/>
requestScope implicit Object: ${requestScope.test2} <br/>

initParam implicit Object: ${initParam.paramName} <br/>

param implicit Object: ${param.username} <br/>
paramValues implicit Object: ${paramValues.colors[1]} <br/>

header implicit Object: ${header.host} <br/>
cookie implicit Object: ${cookie.testCookie.value} <br/>


2) Add the following configuration to the WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file of the web application


3) Test the page by typing the following URL in the browser (with no whitespaces in the URL):


Note: To see cookie value, refresh the page that shows up after typing the above link

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