Complete the Spring Hello World example as in this post -
Download additional jars (aspectjrt.jar and aspectjweaver.jar) from the link here and copy them into the lib folder of the web application.
1) Create a Java class, as below,
2) Configure the MyAdvice bean in the Spring configuration file, applicationContext.xml
3) Configure the AOP configuration in the Spring configuration file, applicationContext.xml below the MyAdvice bean configuration
4) Access the springHelloWorld.jsp page - check the server console log to see if the advice methods are invoked.
Download additional jars (aspectjrt.jar and aspectjweaver.jar) from the link here and copy them into the lib folder of the web application.
1) Create a Java class, as below,
package info.icontraining.spring;
public class MyAdvice {
public void myBeforeMethod() {
System.out.println("Before Execution");
public void myAfterMethod() {
System.out.println("After Execution");
2) Configure the MyAdvice bean in the Spring configuration file, applicationContext.xml
<bean id="myAdvice" class="info.icontraining.spring.MyAdvice" />
3) Configure the AOP configuration in the Spring configuration file, applicationContext.xml below the MyAdvice bean configuration
<aop:aspect ref="myAdvice">
<aop:before method="myBeforeMethod"
pointcut="execution (* *.sayGreeting())" />
<aop:after-returning method="myAfterMethod"
pointcut="execution (* *.sayGreeting())" />
4) Access the springHelloWorld.jsp page - check the server console log to see if the advice methods are invoked.